

  • Natural Health Begins at Home
  • Cold Pressed and 100% Solvent Free
  • Pure, Natural Emollient Oil
  • Softens and Nourishes the Skin
  • Ideal for Use in Castor Oil Packs
  • Excellent for Massage into Joints and Muscles
  • Hexane Free & Paraben-Free
  • 100% Vegan, Non GMO
  • Product Not Tested on Animals.

Castor Oil is a natural emollient that penetrates the surface layers of the skin, making it softer and more supple.

The effects of externally applied Castor Oil can be enhanced through the use of "castor oil pack" - a piece of wool flannel saturated with the oil and applied to the body. Use of a pack allows the greatest penetration in a specific area of the body. The application of heat further increases this penetration, allowing the oil to better impart its qualities to the body.

Home Health creates truly effective personal care products based on traditional, natural ingredients. Our Castor Oil is the finest quality available. It is cold pressed and 100% solvent free and contains no artificial ingredients. You can rely on Home Health to deliver the natural health products your family deserves.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/hhe/hhe50124/u/0.jpg">


  • Natural Health Begins at Home
  • Cold Pressed and 100% Solvent Free
  • Pure, Natural Emollient Oil
  • Softens and Nourishes the Skin
  • Ideal for Use in Castor Oil Packs
  • Excellent for Massage into Joints and Muscles
  • Hexane Free & Paraben-Free
  • 100% Vegan, Non GMO
  • Product Not Tested on Animals.

Castor Oil is a natural emollient that penetrates the surface layers of the skin, making it softer and more supple.

The effects of externally applied Castor Oil can be enhanced through the use of "castor oil pack" - a piece of wool flannel saturated with the oil and applied to the body. Use of a pack allows the greatest penetration in a specific area of the body. The application of heat further increases this penetration, allowing the oil to better impart its qualities to the body.

Home Health creates truly effective personal care products based on traditional, natural ingredients. Our Castor Oil is the finest quality available. It is cold pressed and 100% solvent free and contains no artificial ingredients. You can rely on Home Health to deliver the natural health products your family deserves.


Cleanse the skin with mild soap and water. Apply as required, twice a day. As a Castor Oil Pack for concentrated application, saturate wool flannel and apply over desired area. Dry heat may be applied.

網路價:145元,結帳享5%折扣後 138
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/hhe/hhe11812/u/1.jpg">


  • 天然健康始於家庭


  • 腳癬
  • 股癬
  • 皮癬



  • 經醫學證明,每日使用能夠有效緩解大多數腳癬、股癬和皮癬
  • 每日使用能夠幫助支持大多數腳癬
  • 有效緩解瘙癢、灼燒感和開裂


  • 清潔受影響部位並徹底擦乾
  • 取薄薄一層本品塗抹於受影響部位,每天兩次(早晚各一次),或遵照醫師指示使用
  • 使用本品時應監督兒童
  • 對於腳癬:特別注意腳趾間的空隙;穿合身、通風的鞋子,每天至少更換一次鞋子和襪子
  • 對於股癬,連續2周每日使用
  • 對於腳癬和皮癬,連續4周每日使用
  • 如果症狀持續時間較長,請諮詢醫生
  • 本品在頭皮或指甲上沒有效果
網路價:228元,結帳享5%折扣後 217
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/him/him60011/u/13.jpg">


  • 始於 1930 年
  • 深度調理和修復
  • 蓍草• 綠豆
  • 健康帶來的快樂
  • 適合所有髮質


Himalaya 受損修復蛋白護髮素是一種溫和的配方,含有富含蛋白質的草本精華,為頭髮提供營養,讓頭髮如絲般光滑、柔軟和健康。我們的護髮素使用草本成分特別配製,為乾燥、毛躁或受損頭髮提供強效的調理。我輕輕的修復、強韌您的頭髮,並保護您的頭髮不進一步受損,讓您的頭髮柔軟健康。蘆薈有效滋潤頭髮。蓍草調理頭髮。鷹嘴豆和綠豆是蛋白質的豐富來源,為頭髮提供營養。



網路價:73元,結帳享5%折扣後 70