" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/css/css90101/u/0.jpg">


  • Selina Naturally
  • 領先的天然海鹽品牌
  • Celtic海鹽醫生推薦
  • 鈉含量較低,礦物質含量較高
  • 未精製和原始
  • 精緻的味道
  • 認證符合猶太戒律
  • 始於 1976 年
  • 身體生態飲食批准
  • 比食鹽少33%的納
  • 每份含2%的推薦日值的鈣和鎂
  • NON-GMO專案驗證
  • 美食點綴
  • 新鮮研磨 - 適合研磨機
  • 不含麩質
  • 原生態
  • 符合猶太戒律

Ma • kai [muh-kahy]夏威夷海邊;面朝大海。



我們的Makai Pure深海鹽天然來自海洋表面以下2000英尺的純淨海水,採用可持續的採掘方法,使重要礦物保持完整。



網路價:319元,結帳享5%折扣後 304


  • Cool Brew - Brews in Cold Water!
  • Ready in Five Minutes!
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free
  • Hain Celestial

Cool Brew Iced Teas are refreshing blends of juicy fruit flavors with delicious herbs and teas. Best of all, they brew in cold water in just five minutes - no boiling required. Like all Celestial Seasonings products, Cool Brew Iced Teas are free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives - so all you taste is the natural goodness of fine teas, herbs, fruits and flavors.

Half and Half Cool Brew is equal parts robust black tea and sweet and tangy lemonade.

A Tasteful Heritage

The story of Celestial Seasonings starts back in 1969. We started out picking fresh herbs from the fields and forests of the Rocky Mountains and carefully blending them to create uniquely delicious teas. Today, we offer more than 100 different varieties made with no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives - just the very best herbs, teas, spices and botanicals, always blended with care.

"Wishing to be friend is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit."- Aristotle

Blended with Care from Seed to Sip

Responsible Sourcing. We purchase most of our ingredients directly from the farming communities that grow them.

Quality Ingredients. We blend out teas from the finest ingredients, with no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

Sustainable Packaging. We use tea bags without strings, tags or staples, keeping tons of material out of landfills every year.

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ces/ces52743/u/3.jpg">


  • Cool Brew - Brews in Cold Water!
  • Ready in Five Minutes!
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free
  • Hain Celestial

Cool Brew Iced Teas are refreshing blends of juicy fruit flavors with delicious herbs and teas. Best of all, they brew in cold water in just five minutes - no boiling required. Like all Celestial Seasonings products, Cool Brew Iced Teas are free from artificial colors, flavors and preservatives - so all you taste is the natural goodness of fine teas, herbs, fruits and flavors.

Half and Half Cool Brew is equal parts robust black tea and sweet and tangy lemonade.

A Tasteful Heritage

The story of Celestial Seasonings starts back in 1969. We started out picking fresh herbs from the fields and forests of the Rocky Mountains and carefully blending them to create uniquely delicious teas. Today, we offer more than 100 different varieties made with no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives - just the very best herbs, teas, spices and botanicals, always blended with care.

"Wishing to be friend is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit."- Aristotle

Blended with Care from Seed to Sip

Responsible Sourcing. We purchase most of our ingredients directly from the farming communities that grow them.

Quality Ingredients. We blend out teas from the finest ingredients, with no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

Sustainable Packaging. We use tea bags without strings, tags or staples, keeping tons of material out of landfills every year.


沖泡5分鐘 - 不需要煮沸!


  • 每8盎司的水使用1或2茶包。將冷水倒在茶包上。沖泡5至10分鐘。對於濃郁的沖泡,使用更多的茶包並沖泡10分鐘。
  • 取出茶包,加冰和你極喜歡的甜味劑。用新鮮水果或薄荷襯托。享受吧!
  • 沖泡後保持冷藏,極好在72小時內使用。
網路價:152元,結帳享5%折扣後 145


  • 100%全天然茶
  • 天然不含咖啡萃取
  • 猶太潔食認證
  • 無麩質



- 查理 • 巴登,自1975年以來的Celestial Seasonings 調 配師傅


在1969年,Celestial Seasonings開始在洛磯山脈的森林和峽谷裡採摘新鮮的香草,並調配它們來做出健康、美味的茶。這個將大自然極好的東西轉變成美味體驗的傳統一直延續到今天。我們從來不使用人工色素、香料或防腐劑,而且每一個Celestial Seasonings產品仍然使用現有極優質的全天然原料製成。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/ces/ces00010/u/1.jpg">


  • 100%全天然茶
  • 天然不含咖啡萃取
  • 猶太潔食認證
  • 無麩質



- 查理 • 巴登,自1975年以來的Celestial Seasonings 調 配師傅


在1969年,Celestial Seasonings開始在洛磯山脈的森林和峽谷裡採摘新鮮的香草,並調配它們來做出健康、美味的茶。這個將大自然極好的東西轉變成美味體驗的傳統一直延續到今天。我們從來不使用人工色素、香料或防腐劑,而且每一個Celestial Seasonings產品仍然使用現有極優質的全天然原料製成。



網路價:101元,結帳享5%折扣後 96